We accept enrollment applications based on availability. Growing Tree Childcare and Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation in its educational, administrative, and admission policies.
1) Virtual tour:
Witness Growing Tree Childcare and Preschool virtually (hyperlink to our Tour page). Explore our website for information about the facility and program curriculum.
2) Physical tour:
Witness Growing Tree Childcare & Preschool in person; simply complete *Tour Registration Form OR call (415) 682-8889 to set up appointment
3) Telephone or email follow up:
We are happy to continue discussing the facility and our program, by phone or email: (415) 682-8889 or info@gtipreschool.com
4) Interest After Physical Tour:
If you are interested in our program after the physical tour, parents will need to complete an Enrollment Form .A physical tour must be completed before a child can be considered for enrollment or placed on the waiting list for the program.
5) Enrollment Offered and Accepted:
When space becomes available, a child is offered enrollment in the program. Once the offer is accepted, all enrollment forms required by the Childcare Licensing Agency must be completed by the family's orientation day or the child’s start date. A processing fee is required to finalize the enrollment into the program and is due and payable on the family's orientation day. A child is considered enrolled in the program only after all the enrollment forms and enrollment fees have been received and reviewed and approved by the Administrator.
6) Enrollment Offered but Deferred:
When a child is offered enrollment in the program and if parents do not accept space at time of availability and notification, they will be placed back onto the waiting list. A child's place on the waiting list does not create any entitlement to enrollment in the program. Growing Tree Childcare and Preschool does not charge any application fees prior to enrollment.
7) Family Orientation Day:
Your child will begin familiarizing themselves with their new surroundings and environment, parents will meet the teacher and/or director to discuss eating and sleeping schedules, bring required childcare documentation, childcare payments and child's necessities, and answer any questions pertaining to the program.
The Growing Tree Childcare and Preschool offers a variety of programs with full/part time schedules to choose from. In order to best assist you, please contact the school office for touring information and availability.
Whereas, appointments and tours are scheduled Monday through Thursday.
Growing Tree Childcare and Preschool
1984 Great Highway
San Francisco, CA 94116
If you are searching for quality childcare in the safest and the most spacious indoor and outdoor environment in San Francisco, it would benefit you to take the physical tour of our facility as opposed to watching the virtual tour. This will allow you to view first-hand the high-quality childcare we offer. During the physical tour, the tuition schedule will be provided to families.
A tour registration form must be completed and submitted prior to attending the tour. As we respect your email privacy, all information is kept confidential and is used only for your appointment confirmation and/or future communication while you are a part of our program.